Saturday 21 September 2013

The hunt

Coming home from Iceland early has posed a problem: I no longer have a job. Although I have a few things to do at home (applying for university, clearing and cleaning up a little, etc.) I still seem to do a lot of nothing. Whole days disappear into the distance completely empty of productivity. This I had foreseen, and so from day one I added to my to-do list to get a job.

This task is in no way easy. Now, I don't think I'm that picky, I have been cleaning toilets for a month, but it is very hard to find anything. My newly acquired diploma is useless for anything but university applications. My age is also against me: in Denmark you get paid less when you are under 18 and so the young are favoured. Finally there is also a severe limitation of jobs in the area. Even if I also take Ã…rhus and Randers into consideration there are very few jobs that I am qualified for. I also trip myself up by wanting a temporary job and because I want to travel during my gap year. This combination is far from optimal.

To be fair I have got two jobs in the near future. However both are very short term and ideally I would like a job that lasts at least a few months.

With my rant over I will continue my hunt in the forests of adulthood for the endangered species the job.


  1. It's the same here. Rebecca has applied for lots of jobs but can't get one as lots of other people are chasing the same jobs.
    She is now creating her own work by having an app for the Apple iPhone, developed from an idea she has had - subject Top Secret until it gets released!
    Good Luck with your job hunt and travels

    1. An app, wow! I'll be looking forward to hearing what it does. And how it does, of course.
