Tuesday 25 June 2013

The end of one era and the beginning of another

For a month now I have sat idly watching the garden grow and the summer progress. Though I have enjoyed having very little to do, the absence of school does leave a hole. School as such I can do without, however I do miss seeing my friends every day and I miss having regular activities to do. I have been used to school and the work it entails for so long that I crave activity and projects. My gap year therefore has a lot to live up to.

The planning of this year has been brewing for quite a few years now. Ever since my friend Therese first mentioned the idea of going to New Zealand when we had finished STX and IB, thoughts have been thought, ideas rejected and plans made about the year in question. The itinerary has changed more times than I can count.

Working in New Zealand for a year. For half a year. Not at all. For a months travel. Going to Canada with the scouts. Not going to Canada. Going to South Africa. For paid work. To work voluntarily. A camp in Norway. Or maybe not. A trip to Israel. No, Georgia instead. Norway is back on.

And preparations are still underway: though Norway is just two weeks away transport has to be booked, my return from Iceland is missing a date and both New Zealand and South Africa are still only ideas. There are no dates, there is no accommodation and there are no real plans. However it will undoubtedly come together in the end.