Wednesday 6 November 2013

A storm or two

I never reached New Zealand.

The forecasted storm last Monday hit. And it hit us hard. My comrade-in-travel, Therese, and I took the train to Copenhagen much earlier than we had to because I wanted to meet up with a friend. This turned out to be a very good decision.

Not an hour after our arrival all virtually trains were cancelled. Thankfully there was a bus that would take us to the airport. After check-in Therese started to feel queasy. And it steadily worsened together with the weather. We had arrived at the airport ridiculously early so for some time we watched as flights were delayed and cancelled, and travellers were stranded.

Therese's sickness got so bad that we decided that she couldn't fly. Following this decision we stood in one queue after the other. First in the transit center, then at the baggage handling help desk (we'd waited in the transit center for such a long time that our baggage had been moved to safekeeping) and finally, believe it or not, at the hotel (SAS had sent 400 flightless travellers there). In all we waited in queues for about four hours.

For the past week we have been wading knee-deep in insurance claims, doctors appointments and denied refunds. We now await our sentence.